
The Optimistic Bastard

Young and sarcastic, I experience life with too much enthusiasm.

Love Thy Self

Am I a good person? No. But do I try to be better every single day? Also no. I’m not ashamed to say that the person I love the most in the world is myself. Trust me, it sounds even... Continue Reading →

Employment: Professional Child

It has been a long time since I last wrote something on here, last post is from before New Year’s Eve. Consider the time between then and now as my hangover from it. One so massive it took nearly four... Continue Reading →

Art is the new religion

I’m not an artist. Shocker! I can draw, paint, take photos, hell, I took Art class during my high school years but I’ve never been excellent in any artistic discipline. However, I pride myself in saying I’ve got an eye... Continue Reading →

Bye Bye Bitch

This is not a good week. Multiple reasons, ranging from events in my private life to problems at Uni, make this week a necessary time to be alone and think about life. I see you coming at me, asking why... Continue Reading →

Beijing : Imperial City of Smog

It’s finally Reading Week at HKU! While it means that I’m already halfway through the semester and will go back home soon, it also means that I can be travelling without feeling guilty for skipping class. Not that I was... Continue Reading →

FOMO Tattooed On My Ass

I wasn’t so much of a Snapchat user. Okay, scratch that! I was sending the occasional WTF selfie to my friends but even when they introduced Stories, I still wasn’t really in love with the app. However, all of this... Continue Reading →

Hong Kong through the looking glass

In Fresher’s year, I was like Daft Punk, I was up all night to get lucky. By February, I did and was given the chance to study a semester abroad Since my white ass wanted a change of scenery, I... Continue Reading →

How to adult 101

As a kid, I had no idea what I was doing with my life. As I’m getting into my 20s, I still got no clue. Although, all of this got me thinking. When are we adults? Do you just wake... Continue Reading →

Intro or when you can’t sleep at night, you get crazy ideas like this blog

  Monday 29th of August. 04:30 am. If I knew why I couldn't sleep then maybe I wouldn't have gotten into where I am right now: writing a post for a blog I created minutes ago. Why a blog you... Continue Reading →

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